Filter Blogs By tag: acquistare Metandrostenolon

20 Sep / 2017


Write By: admin Published In: Steroidi profili Hits: 1086 Comment: 0

Metandrostenolon has a significant anabolic (enhancing protein synthesis) activity with a relatively little expressed androgenic (similar to the action of male sex hormones) action. 

Methandienone is a tablet anabolic stimulating the synthesis of protein in the body. The active chemical is Metandrostenolon (methandienone). The duration of the drug is 3 to 4 hours, therefore, in order to achieve an effective concentration of a chemical in the blood, It should be taken at least twice a day. Stimulating protein synthesis, the drug accelerates the collection of muscle mass, the increase in strength and has a general strengthening effect on the bone system and the body as a whole. The drug delays water in the body, increasing weight. An excellent starting product for beginners in the use of steroids, although even among professionals in this field enjoys great success. The best effect is achieved by combining the drug with alternative action steroids. 

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